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How to Clean Your Shower

Homeowners know that it can be difficult to keep showers looking completely spotless. However, we should all strive to keep showers looking spick and span. Keeping showers clean entails stopping the buildup of mold as it favors a moisture rich environment.

Matters of Mold

The high moisture content found in showers makes conditions be highly conducive for the emergence of mold and fungi. It is important to have it removed as soon as possible because some people can have adverse reactions to mold.

TIP – To prevent the growth of mold in showers, the best practice is to scrub thoroughly showers from top to bottom once or twice in a week, with the use of powerful disinfectants.

The Ultimate shower cleaning strategy

There are some handy hints and safe practices that can be followed to ensure that showers remain clean and in pristine conditions.

Step 1

Remove everything from the shower, soap bars, bottles, sponges, etc. If you want to clean your loofah, fill the bathing sink with hydrogen peroxide added to your bathing sink. Let it soak for about 15 minutes while you clean. Place bottles to rest on a counter or towel.

Step 2

Pull the curtains out of the way. You can consider flipping them over the shower bar or else remove them altogether. Use your favorite bathroom cleaning product and spray it on the tiles in the bathroom. You can equally consider using a steam cleaner. Do not use vinegar on stone walls or floors as doing this will ruin your walls.

Let the cleaning product work on the tiles for about 5 minutes. The surface has to be wet for the cleaning product to work effectively in the area. For glass shower walls, use full strength vinegar and spray it on the area to be cleaned.

Step 3

Use a non-scratching sponge and start cleaning at the far left wall of the shower. Work clockwise until you tackle all the walls. Start at the top and use the scrubbing side of the sponge to wipe the soap scum away- This can be done using the “S” pattern to ensure that you get the full surface. Continue cleaning until you get to the bottom of the wall before moving to the next.

For non-glass walls or tiles, you can sprinkle about a teaspoon of baking soda into your sponge. Wet it before you start and squeeze it a few times to work the baking soda in. Abrasion will help to scrape off the scum. Keep doing this until all the walls have been cleaned and don’t rinse the walls yet.

Step 4

It’s now time to repeat steps 2 and for the tub. Spray it down and leave it for about 15 minutes before scrubbing. Start from one end then work your way to the other. If the tub is acrylic, you will need to use the soft side of your sponge since the scrubbing side can ruin the finish.

Step 5

Time to crank the shower with the use of hot water. If your soap head is removable shower, start by spraying the shower wall down and follow the initial pattern you used to clean it – far left clockwise to the right. Once the walls have been rinsed, make use of the squeegee to remove all the water from the walls. Do not forget to shine the chrome.

Important Tips

– Check if all the soap scum is gone by looking at your tab on an angle. You should not see any grayish lines or dull spots.

– If you feel any resistance or tension when you run your hand along the surface, it means that the soap scum is still on the wall.

– Always use a squeegee after your shower has been used. It prevents any soap scum from building on your tiles or glass.

How to clean shower doors

Shower doors are quite prone to mildew and mold growth. Soap scum quickly builds up over time to make cleansing task complex. By the use of white vinegar, sponges, water and lemon oil, the cleansing work can be quite easy. Make sure you’re cleaning your shower doors consistently or else residue can build up and ruin your doors.

How to clean shower door tracks

Shower door tracks made of fiberglass or ceramic have shiny surfaces. This means that they can be cleaned by use of mild detergents or liquids soaps and non-scratching pads. Scratching pad will mess the surface of fiberglass. A water softener should be used to remove all problems associated with ring formation, Ammonia and Vinegar remove soap scams.

How to clean shower head

Shower heads need to be often cleaned. If the shower head is clogged, this may be due to hard water or rust deposits. You need to have the shower head remove to see if there are any small deposits that you can remove. You can remove these dirty deposits by soaking the shower head in vinegar or citrus solution for about half an hour and then cleaning.

Showers are supposed to a neat area where homeowners can relax and get away from the strain and stress of the world. If the shower is covered by grime, mold and dirt, then it becomes and inhospitable environment. Keeping showers clean doesn’t require constant battle and can be kept spotless with minimal efforts.