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8 Storage Optimization Ideas for Your Child’s Bedroom

The thought of cleaning your child’s room can be overwhelming to say the least, choosing to reorganize the room can be almost disturbing! Not to mention that organizing your child’s room probably seems like an exercise in futility at best. They are bound to mess everything up as soon as you get it all situated anyway, right? Not necessarily! If you plan carefully and implement certain strategies, you can actually get your child to help you keep their space neat and organized. Get creative and let your child help you implement new strategies for organizing their things. Turn cleaning and organizing into a game that your child can enjoy and they will be far more likely to maintain the hard work you’ve done.

It’s true that getting a child’s room organized is one thing and keeping it that way is another, but the great news is that if you simply practice wise storage optimization, you’ll be able to maximize the space you have available to you, whether it’s a large room or a small closet. Proper optimization and organization of your child’s toys and clothes will lead to a much more efficient and easy to maintain system, and the easier it is to maintain, the higher the likelihood that you’ll be able to get your child to cooperate and work with you instead of against you!

You don’t have to spend obscene amounts of money to get your child’s room in shape, you can use items you already have around the house, or you can pick up inexpensive plastic storage containers or bins. Some creative ways to whip your child’s room into organized shape are listed below:

Use hanging organizers for more than just clothes and shoes! These bins can be used for stuffed animals, smaller toys, light books, anything that won’t weigh too much and cause the fasteners up top to become overloaded.


Creative Storage Solutions for Children’s Room

  1. Add a second rod in your child’s closet for more room to hang clothes, since children’s clothes are shorter than adult clothing, adding a second rod gives you the ability to hang more clothes up and use other spaces (like dresser drawers) for other items.
  2. Hang wall rails near desks and study areas, your children can use the corkboard to pin keepsakes, photos, and other notes and reminders. Rails with knobs or hooks can be used for hanging organizers to keep school supplies, extra paper, and more.
  3. Elevate your child’s bed by putting drawers underneath it, or use the top of a bunk bed and leave the bottom empty so that you can use that space for bookshelves or other types of storage containers. Many furniture stores also sell beds that have the mattress up top and a work area underneath for your child to do homework.
  4. Utilize adjustable wire shelving in closets so that you can change the height and distance between shelves based on your storage needs, if your child is playing sports, you can use the shelves to house all of their equipment and uniforms and then readjust the height when their season is over and its time to store supplies for a new activity.
  5. Put up some lockers! Old lockers that are being disposed of by schools or recreation centers can be an ideal storage and organization option for your child’s room. With a door that closes and the ability to hang on a wall, they are idea for clothes, books, art supplies, stuffed animals and anything else you need to store. Smaller children will also enjoy playing with lockers and feeling like a “big kid.”
  6. Use shoeboxes to store smaller toys, crayons, playing cards, legos, etc, have your children decorate the boxes however they want and then label the boxes to make organizing their things more fun and creative.
  7. Think outside of the box! If you have kitchen cabinets that you are getting rid of, instead of trashing them, put them in your child’s room, the shelving and doors provide for a discreet yet easily organizable way to keep their rooms clean and organized. You can further utilize the space by putting bins or shoe boxes on the shelves so that you can free up space in other parts of the child’s room.
  8. You can also use the top of the cabinets as storage space and you can mount a chalkboard on the front for children to play with, or use the doors as a place to display artwork and pictures.

If you live in the Minneapolis area, you don’t have to look far for help in maximizing your closet storage needs. Harkraft Builders are specialists in storage optimization and they can share a variety of ideas and solutions that are sure to meet any family’s needs and desires.

Turn your project into a family affair that is fun and easy and you can turn work into a special bonding opportunity for you and your children. Take the opportunity to go through their old toys and clothes and let them help you decide what they no longer play with, Often suggesting that you give away old items to children that are less fortunate gives your child a little extra incentive to let go of some of their older toys.

Now in Minneapolis closet storage is easier than ever!