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Whether we like it, hate it, or love it, for those of us who live in parts of the country where winter means snow and ice, it’s time to get ready. That includes your garage! The garage is a transitional space: not quite part of your house, but not fully outdoors either. To ensure all the things you keep protected in the garage get through the cold season without problems, take a little time to organize your garage now and prepare for the season ahead.
In most homes, the garage is essential storage space. While you may store your baseball bats, soccer goals, sleds, and snow shovels in the same garage all year long, you will need to grab the snow shovel in the winter, and you probably have to say goodbye to that baseball bat until spring training comes around again. Take a look around and pull out all the things you’ll need to access during the winter. Goodbye, lawnmower, hello, snowblower. Think about home maintenance items such as shovels and sidewalk salt, but don’t forget winter is fun, too! Get your snowshoes down and dig out everyone’s cross country skis.
The reality of winter in many parts of the country is freezing temperatures, ice, and slush. Take steps to protect your things from the season. Bring into the house any paints, cleaning products, or liquids that can’t take the cold. Now is an excellent time to gather up any expired or spoiled paints or chemicals to take them to a hazardous drop-off or recycling center. Winterize your lawn mower by draining the fuel, doing an oil change, and giving the mower deck and systems a thorough cleaning. You’ll thank yourself later in the spring.
Don’t forget to winterize your winter gear too! Get that snowblower fired up and make sure it’s ready to go before you need to dig yourself out of the driveway. Buy some salt for the sidewalk and store it somewhere easy to access on dark mornings. Put an ice scraper and winter weather emergency kit in every vehicle. Take a look at skis, snowboards, snowshoes, and sleds. Wax your skis and repair the snowshoes so you’re ready to have some fun after snow blankets your neighborhood.
Winter can be messy! Keep as much of the ice and dirt associated with the season outside your garage as possible. Fight the grime by placing a heavy-duty mat by the door, so you don’t track salt and sand in on your feet. If your garage has a drain, make sure it’s clean and unclogged. Despite your best efforts, you’re still bound to bring snow into the garage on your car tires, so you might want to invest in a squeegee to move gunk toward the drain or the doors before it starts to build up. This quick task can keep the ground cleaner and free of ice when the temperature drops.
Most of your winter essentials have been tucked away for a while. Be honest with yourself about how the seasonal transition went. Think about how to organize your garage now, so when spring rolls around, you’ll be able to rotate back to warm weather gear effortlessly and get outside to enjoy it more quickly. A system of hooks on the wall for shovels, sleds, and skis could go a long way toward an enjoyable season and could hold sports equipment during the warmer months.
As you put away your lawn games, patio accessories, and the lawnmower, obvious storage needs may present themselves. Talking to a professional about custom garage storage solutions could also help you find the space you desperately need but have trouble seeing yourself. Laminated cabinet storage systems using baskets and shelves can be designed to make everything you need accessible, for example. Utilizing vertical space to hang mountain bikes and the lawnmower can create a spot for the snowblower. A wall system with a slat board can get your tools off of damp surfaces so they won’t rust or get misplaced during the cold months when you might not be doing as many projects in the garage.
No matter where you live in the country or how winter weather changes your plans, everyone can benefit from an organized garage. Maybe you’re lucky enough to golf all year long—but if you say goodbye to the clubs in November and pull out your skis, the seasonal changeover is a perfect opportunity to understand what you need to make your garage work for you.
Harkraft can help you envision the organized garage you crave. Let us show you all the ways you can make your garage work for you in every season! Contact us today if you have any questions.