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Room Potential 101: Take Your Kids Room to the Next Level

The potential of a kid’s room to descend into crazy chaos is possibly unmatched. The mess there is brighter, more persistent, bigger…just more. In no other room of the house do you have to tread so carefully in your bare feet for fear of injury by way of any number of miniature cars, doll shoes or legos. 

The key to taking your kids’ rooms to the next level is to create an efficient, well-designed, and innovative custom storage that gives everything a place and makes putting everything in its place at the end of the day a piece of cake. Keep reading to find out more.

Smart Storage

Kids room updates usually start with designing smart custom storage to match your needs. Bedrooms are rarely designed with kids in mind, so a bit of well-thought-out upgrading can go a long way.  

What do you need? Do you have a kid who’s crazy about art and regularly gets glue on the rug? Plan for an art table and don’t forget to include pull-out cubbies and drawers underneath for markers and other supplies. Think about your kid and how they like to spend time in their room. What would make it more convenient, more fun and easier to clean up when bedtime comes around.

Think about low, kid-sized custom cabinets and shelving. Include cubbies and bins pretty enough to be decor and hooks for dress-up clothes and very important things that need to stay in sight, like today’s favorite dress.

Add Built-Ins

A lot of modern houses lack built-in storage, but you can create built-in custom cabinets, hutches, bookshelves and more that will look like they’ve always been part of your kiddo’s room. 

Play with colors and design to make shelving and built-in storage kid-friendly. Talk to a pro about where custom-built cabinets and shelves could integrate seamlessly into your home. You don’t need a big space to make a big impact with built-in storage. Amplify small spaces and see significant results.

Customize Closets

Neither reach-in nor walk-in closets are typically built to suit kids. Whether you entirely redo the closet, turn it into something whimsical or merely update it so your little one can reach their clothes and toys, it’s worth making some changes.

While kids are small, take advantage of their small clothes by doubling or tripling up the hanging rods in a standard closet. Or, if you’re always on hand to help reach clothes, use the empty space underneath the adult-height hanging clothes to install custom cabinets and shelving for toys or anything your little one should be free to access. 

Use the closet or space within the closet to create a permanent fort with twinkle LED lights and cozy touches. Use wire shelving systems to reorder closets now and make changes in the future when your toddler turns into a teenager.

Make Room for Reading and Adventure

It’s always a good idea to make reading a part of your child’s life. While you’re thinking about kids’ room updates, be sure to incorporate a spot your kiddo will want to curl up with a book. Include book storage within arms reach. Little ones will benefit from floating shelves or library-style bins where they can see the front cover of the books. 

As kids get older, they will choose the books they want to read by the spines, so bookshelves will do just fine. 

Build some storage that functions as part of their play to make cleaning up part of the game. Include some shelves that can hold books, play food and dishes, cars or lego creations. Create a rotating gallery space for art and watch your kid create.

Plan for the Future

It can be hard to commit to renovations that customize a room for a small child because you know they’ll grow out of it, literally and figuratively, eventually. That’s why it makes sense to include storage and custom closet solutions and cabinets throughout the room that will work into the future. An art space now can be a homework space later with some maneuvering.

Low cabinets throughout the room can become bench seating for friends to hang out with the addition of some custom benchtop cushions and throw pillows. 

Bins that held toys in a preschooler’s closet can be swapped for stylish baskets for accessories or removed to make way for folded denim, t-shirts and tennis shoes.

Work Together

Talk to your child about what they’d love to have in their dream bedroom. You might be surprised. Working to give your child some agency will provide them with a sense of ownership and pride for their room. 

Call in the Experts

When you’re ready to make some changes and take your kids’ room to the next level, call on Harkraft to see the possibilities. We specialize in custom closets, completely customized cabinets and sharing our expertise with homeowners. 

Contact us today to find out more about our decades of experience in home storage and remodeling.