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Organizing Tools in the Garage

If your garage work bench is a catch-all for hammers, screwdrivers, bits, and tape measures, it’s time to get things organized. Small items like tools are easy to misplace and can clutter up your work space before you know it. Finding a way to organize tools in your garage will make it easier to find items when you need them and will make your garage a tidier space.

garage racks

1. Create a space for everything.

Sometimes you have so many tools, you don’t even know what’s missing! A tool rack with simple outlines is an easy reminder for where each tool belongs and which tools are missing. You can use a piece of plywood or a peg board for this project. Hang all of your tools on the peg board exactly where you want them (or drive nails into the plywood to hang each tool). Then draw a basic outline around each tool with a permanent marker. You’ll know just where the hammer, level, or tape measure belongs.

2. Use the ceiling.

Garage racks are the perfect answer for cramped storage space. Most likely, you store certain items in your garage that you only use once a year (like the Christmas tree) or seasonally (like a toboggan). Since you don’t need ready access to these items, you can store them up high, on garage shelving racks bolted to the wall or ceiling.

3. Use the walls.

Garage tool racks that bolt to the wall are handy for hanging brooms, shovels, and other yard care tools. Install hooks for hanging large or heavy items, such as bicycles, ladders, or golf clubs.

4. Keep a lock on it.

Do you have expensive tools in your garage? Do you have kids (or neighbor kids) who could get hurt if they get their hands on certain tools or chemicals? Garage cabinets give you a safe place to lock up valuable or potentially dangerous items. They also keep those items out of sight, which reduces the chances of your valuable tools getting stolen.

Garage Racks and Cabinets in Minneapolis

Harkraft can help you design and build a garage storage space that fits exactly what you need. Our garage racks and cabinets come with a lifetime warranty and save you 25-50% compared to garage organization products from big box stores. Give us a call at (763) 544-4478 or contact us online to learn more!