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Your house has probably become something entirely new for your family over the past year. Many of us quickly began working from the dining room last March while finding a way for kids to do distance learning, welcoming college-aged kids back into the nest, or creating intergenerational households out of choice or necessity.
Many of the changes brought on by 2020 are here to stay. Optimizing your living space is one way to make sure your home serves your family as a workspace, a place for fun, and a retreat. Read on and ask yourself if you could do more to optimize your home.
The home is an office (maybe more than one), a schoolroom, a conference room by day, and a place to gather and relax by night. It’s essential to create a dedicated space for each person to have some alone time. Lots of kids and most adults can’t claim their own bedroom, but work to find a spot in the house where each person can go to get some quiet time.
It doesn’t have to be elaborate. Many siblings who share a room would be thrilled with a hideout under the stairs or in a closet where they could go to read or listen to a podcast. Install a door and drywall or paneling, outfit the space with cushions, pillows, and LED twinkle lights that don’t generate heat, and you’re on your way.
Turn an underused spare bedroom into an adult reading nook or studio space by rearranging furniture and adding some personal touches.
Now is the time to make your housework for everyone who lives there. Kids and adults need workspaces that are pleasant to be in and conducive to concentration. Loft kids’ beds if possible, and build desks for school and art projects underneath.
Look again to underused spots like a walk-in closet or guest bedroom to find space for an office. Move the spare linens stored in the guest bedroom closet to a dresser or to attractive baskets on high shelves. Then, work with a professional to create a custom cabinetry system including drawers, a work surface, and shelving all within the closet – where you can shut the door and walk away at the end of the day.
Now is the time to do what you can to make your home someplace you love to be. The Danish concept of hygge swept cold-climate states over the last few years for a reason, and it’s not going anywhere: the Danish know how to make the best of long, cold winters. Hygge is essentially a quality of coziness that creates a feeling of contentment. Add cozy throws and pillows to your seating. Light candles that remind you of places you love and get your chimney cleaned so you can take advantage of your fireplace.
Embrace grand millennial style, which is essentially the realization that your granny’s cozy, comfy living room was a nice place to be. Cool and modern has its place, but maybe now is the time for something inviting and comfortable.
Add a houseplant! Add more than one. Plants help clean your indoor air, and the human brain responds to living plants positively. Everyone can grow a houseplant, no matter their black thumb or lack of large windows. Get something hardy and get ready to enjoy a little boost of happiness.
Many people find it hard to relax in a space that’s cluttered or messy. The disorder can even cause increased levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. The last thing you want right now is for your own house to stress you out!
You might have more stuff than you need, and some decluttering would feel good, but you can probably also use your storage space more creatively and efficiently to solve some of your storage conundrums.
Look high and look low – leave no figurative stone unturned. Kitchen cabinets can probably hold more of your kitchen supplies with the addition of wire shelving systems, including pull-out shelves and bins for small items like spices.
Your existing storage room can probably be arranged to contain more of your holiday decorations and off-season items if you invest in a shelving system that takes into account what you need to store. Off-season clothes need to hang, holiday decorations need to be shelved in plastic bins, and a series of hooks and shelves can corral cleaning supplies and Costco purchases.
Many people have a hard time looking around their own home and seeing past the problems to potential solutions. The storage design experts at Harkraft can offer you a fresh perspective and the benefit of our expertise. A professional can see where space is being wasted and provide solutions that many homeowners struggle to do in their own homes.
At Harkraft, we’ve been working with homeowners for a long time to optimize their living spaces through creative and innovative storage solutions for the entire house. Get in touch today to find out how we can help transform your space.