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You bring in the dog, an armful of lumber for the fire, and even a few persistent fall fruits and vegetables remaining in the garden to protect them from the harsh winter elements. But wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to brave the cold weather to get them? If you answered yes, it’s time for you to add on that coveted garage you’ve been dreaming about all summer long or put the one you already have to good use. Of course, your garage space use doesn’t have to be limited to it playing host to foods and wood. There are four other reasons why you need garage storage this winter.
Ok, admit it. It isn’t just spring-cleaning that produces bags full of items not suitable for use anymore due to changing seasons. All major events tend to cause decorations, clothes, and even furniture to accumulate with no regards to the space they invade. Unfortunately, they continue to do so until you find a suitable home for them. Just for the time being. Fortunately, you don’t need to relocate such precious items that bring back nostalgia for seasons past to an unsafe space like the attic where they can get dusty, the basement where they can absorb moisture, or in an outside storage building where the temperature isn’t regulated or the only thing your have to worry about. A garage is the perfect place. It’s open, often temperature-friendly, and you can monitor your items everyday with little to no hassle. Additionally, you will have a broad space to arrange your items in by whatever pattern suits you.
Everybody dreams of having an extra room that can be used for virtually anything. While your neighbors write off using their grills or having an outdoor all night party, you can have that. A garage can store all of your outdoor furniture, but it doesn’t have to be a sad memorial for its better days in the warmer weather. Continue to use it! Unless your garage is well ventilated, you’ll want to put it on the edge so that it’s still outside, but you can stand inside to tend to your food. Set up your patio furniture inside the garage to mimic how it was arranged outside only in a closer configuration. Enjoy!
If you don’t plan on doing a whole lot of catering to boisterous, music-loving crowds in your garage, use it to keep your family safe. Pets included. Lamp oils, kerosene, gas, paints, and cleaning agents all have very pungent odors. Those odors could potentially harm your family. If you keep them out of the house and store them in the garage, you not only will be keeping them away from direct sunlight, you will also isolate their fumes to the garage. Furthermore, since they will be in the garage, there will be less of a chance of accidental spills, them becoming a fire hazard, and the potential for them to damage other items in the house.
The winter months see an increase in injuries due to car accidents, slip and falls, and various other injuries. Shoveling the snow can take a horrendous physical toll on your body. The last thing you need is to spend your precious time and energy scraping ice from your car windshields so you can get to work. If you park your car in your garage, you will eliminate the accumulation of ice and snow on your car. Therefore, there won’t be a need for you to go in search of that mysteriously disappearing shovel that you know was just there last winter. In addition, all of the other snow and winter weather tools you have amassed over the years can find a happy place near your car. You no longer need to find a place in your trunk for them in case you need them. They will be close to your car but not in it. That’s smart thinking for those who want to preserve their energy for the bigger tasks at their actual jobs.
Nowadays, homeowners find unique and exciting ways to use their garage storage space. For many, a garage is a way to keep the seasonal decorations from crowding their normal living spaces, doubles as a room use for entertainment and cooking out, holds chemicals that would typically be too harmful to keep inside the house but needs to be kept away from extreme temperatures, and allows for easy access to tools used to combat the problems winter weather creates. Indeed, you can ice over winter woes with a garage.