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5 Tips for Organizing Your Home for the Fall Season

Fall is officially here, which means it’s time to re-organize your house just as you would your wardrobe. There’s not a lot of work that’s required, but it is important to stick to a checklist so you know which areas need organizing and which ones to wait on. The idea is to have a house that can handle the cold weather and snow so that when that does hit, all you have to do is snuggle up on the couch with a mug of hot chocolate.

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Step 1: Seal Up Drafts

Leaky windows and doors are one of the worst ways to spike your energy bill as your furnace fights against cooler weather to keep your home cozy-warm. There’s cold air blowing in through unsealed seams and cracks in doors, and it all adds up over time. To compensate, your furnace runs harder and longer, often unnecessarily so. To check if this is the problem, light a candle and slowly wave it around windows and doors. If you see the flame flickering, it’s your cue to take caulking to those areas and seal them up.

Step 2: Get the Blankets Out

No doubt you’ve been reading our blog on tips to maximize closet space and organinizing tips for your home. If that’s the case, then you know that closets and other spaces can be well utilized to hold an assortment of goods, like blankets for the upcoming colder weather. But if you’ve been coasting by without making changes to your home, then it’s time to call up Harkraft professionals so you can keep toasty warm until the spring months come back. A quick tip before then: go through all your closets and swap out summer clothes and gear for winter stuff.


Step 3: Have Your Furnace Inspected

Closely related to the first two points is actually making sure the hardware in your home is up to par. If you’re using equipment that’s not operating at key efficiency, then not only will you be overworking your furnace, but you’ll also quickly get sick of piling multiple blankets on top of you. What you’ll want to do is get an HVAC inspector to look over leaks, heating efficiency and filter condition. While the HVAC professional will take care of everything on the visit, it’s important to keep on top of the rest, so remember to change the filter every few months or so.

Step 4: Prepare Your Humidifiers

Humidifiers are one of the easiest ways to battle the dry winter air, which can really cause a lot of havoc during the season. However, a dirty or clogged humidifier is a close to useless humidifier, so make sure each one you use has been prepared ahead of time. The quickest and cheapest way of doing this is to take out the filters and clean them with vinegar, and it only takes 10 to 15 minutes to get it in tiptop shape.

Step 5: Clean the Gutters

During the fall, leaves drop from trees in droves. While raking them off your lawn is a bit of an annoying chore, it’s also an easy one because you’re continually on the ground. That being said, cleaning out the leaves in your gutters means a lot less work in terms of volume, although you are up off the ground higher. Just remember to really do a thorough job up there, otherwise clogged eaves will lead to a lot of headaches after fall is over.

Changing over your home to get it fall-ready is a job that can be divided into two parts: the prep work you can do around your house, and everything else that the Harkraft team can take care of. We’ve got professionals with decades of experience, so you know you’ll always be getting only the best eyes and hands. And for new customers, enjoy 25% off your first order.